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Home » Cybersecurity Tips for Companies with Remote Workers
July 15, 2024
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

Cybersecurity Tips for Companies with Remote Workers

padlocks on a laptop's keyboard symbolizing Cybersecurity Tips for Companies With Remote Workers Companies in the digital era must account for rising risk levels related to cybersecurity, hacking and potential data breaches.

As more businesses move various parts of their operations online, such as video chat software and cloud servers, leaders and risk management professionals must be aware of how these changes may impact their risk profile.

This may be of particular importance for companies that have embraced remote and hybrid work models, as such arrangements may mean greater use of technology.

Why is Cybersecurity Important for Companies with Remote Employees?

Remote work environments can have many advantages, including allowing businesses to tap into a greater talent pool when recruiting. Additionally, these work models may cultivate greater flexibility and work-life balance for employees.

However, employers must take steps to balance these benefits with potentially greater cyber risks and exposures.

With employees working from their own homes or otherwise off-site, companies may have less control over certain aspects of cybersecurity, including monitoring workers’ networks and infrastructure.

Additionally, remote employees usually rely more heavily on digital solutions than their on-site counterparts, as online communications and task coordination become essential. These conditions may lead to higher risk levels.

How Should Companies Address Cyber Risks with Remote Employees?

Businesses should be vigilant about implementing and maintaining robust cybersecurity measures and practices, particularly when considering remote work environments. The following strategies may be essential:

  • Conduct regular training. Cybercrime and cyberattacks are constantly evolving as perpetrators concoct new ways to potentially breach systems and networks. Companies should ensure employees receive ongoing training about good cybersecurity practices. Even if not much has changed, these refreshers can remind employees of threats and reinforce good habits, such as maintaining strong passwords and locking devices when not in use.
  • Establish a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN can allow remote employees to connect to their companies’ networks more safely. These systems can mask IP addresses and protect data being transmitted between remote users and their companies. Ensure all remote workers connect to the VPN while working.
  • Prioritize updates. It’s not enough for companies to simply install various security software, such as anti-malware programs and firewalls, before issuing a device to a remote employee. Businesses must also ensure that such programs remain up-to-date, as manufacturers may regularly release patches and updates to address potential cyber risks or other issues.
  • Retrieve devices promptly. If a remote employee is terminated or chooses to end their employment, employers should ensure all company devices are returned in a timely manner. Leaving equipment in the hands of someone who is now an outside party could lead to significant cyber incidents and financial consequences.

We’re Here to Help

Contact Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services today to learn more about cybersecurity in an increasingly digital business world.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

Categories: Blog

Tags: cyber risks, cybersecurity, digital solutions, remote employees, virtual private network

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